Welcome to Shippo's ERP Lessons I'd suggest firstly, always ensuring you roleplay, even if your only giving a few words in reply, put something into it, a bite over your lip, empted glimpse of your eye, share a dirty little thought that is roaming your mind, never merely say something without some form of playful roleplay to set a mood. Find a series of vocabulary you find alluring, think of several words to describe something then settle on what sounds hottest in that situation, don't just jump to first words, say you could say, cock, manhood, penis, shaft, girth, length, meat, and be sure to toss in descriptives too, using the same examples, throbbing cock, juicy manhood, twitching penis, rigid girth, musky length, succulent meat etc... Be sure to avoid repeating yourself, at least per sentence avoid repeating terms, if you've refered to your partner say as a snake, next time try serpent, male, slithery beast, fork tongued devil, it really does spice up things. Always play to your partners weakness, if they have an F-List, read it, straight to the faves, find common interests, and focus things toward them, always try to accommodate kinks even if only subtly in passing that you know your partner will get off to. Reading dirty stories is always good for refreshing your vocabulary, find new phrases, new rousing anecdotes to flavor your fun, but nothing simply beats practice, over and over, indulge, get dirty. Your word choice plays a lot into your character also, if you're going for a sophisticated dom, use fanciful words, educated phrases and terms, ones that show confidence as refinement. As for more brutish, go for blunt, crude, direct. For shy and submissive use perhaps very light almost prudish or naive terms, and for pure sexual hunger, literally, use words you'd use to describe delicious food, succulent, juicy, savor, relish, starving etc.... |